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        2006年02月21日 15:14

          Global Corporate Social Responsibility Forum: China

          “Global Responsibility,Harmony Society”

          Feb.22, 2006


          The first Corporate Social Responsibility Forum sponsored by China Newsweek will be held in Beijing on Feb.22, 2006.

          China Newsweek sponsored by China News Services is a magazine mainly focusing on politics and economics news which has a wide range of readership and influence worldwide. The China News Services is a state-level news agency directly under the leadership of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. It is mainly responsible for the overseas publicity work towards overseas Chinese and the compatriots in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

          Launched in the spirit of “to influence the influential people”, China Newsweek aims to promote social progress; and the Corporate Social Responsibility Forum serves as an important platform for the communications of the magazine.

          Themed as “Global Responsibility Harmony Society ”, the forum is launched with a view to promote the communication and cooperation between the academic circles both at home and abroad and the public organizations and to galvanize the research and action on corporate social responsibility under the background of economic globalization and in light of China’s economic and social status quo.

          The globalization is now increasingly and profoundly influencing the development of the whole world. The economic growth, industrial upgrading and cultural integration have brought tremendous changes in corporate traditional value and concept of responsibilities. Concerns for natural resources, global environment, labour rights and interests, business ethics and the shouldering of the obligations for the stakeholders and the whole society have now become the common trend among the enterprises globally. China is now in a transitional period of economic restructuring when the health and harmonious growth of the economy and the sharing of the fruits of the economic prosperity among different social classes have become the important issue of the new historical phase. To advocate the awareness of Corporate Citizen and call for their fulfilment of the social responsibilities is not only conducive to the further sound development of Chinese economy but also helpful to the integration of the Chinese economy with its global family.

          The corporate social responsibility is deemed as its bottom line for the profits. Therefore, only those enterprises with a strong awareness of responsibilities can develop their time-honoured brands and sustain continued profit-making. As the corporate social responsibility is closely related to public policy, it not merely needs the moral motivations but more importantly, calls for the institutional guidance and the concerted efforts of the government, industry guilds and other public institutions to prompt the enterprises to fulfil their social responsibilities. The corporate social responsibility is also an issue at the cultural sphere, as the social responsibilities have become an indispensable part of the modern entrepreneurship and enterprise’s corporate value.

          This forum will invite the leaders from relevant state ministries and committees, officials from international organizations, renowned scholars both at home and abroad, CEOs of the multinational enterprises and general managers of leading domestic enterprise who will have in-depth and thought-provoking discussions on corporate social responsibilities from a wide range of cultural, economic and social perspectives.

          Confirmed Speakers:

          Chen Yujie

          Director, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council

          Liu Beixian

          Proprieter, China Newsweek

          Gao Qiang

          Minister, Ministry of Health

          Liao XiaoQi

          Vice Minister, Ministry of Commerce

          Duan Yingbi

          Chairman, China Federation for Poverty Alleviation

          Donald Johnston

          Secretary-General of OECD

          Klaus Toepfer

          Under-Secretary-General United Nations

          Frannie A Leautier

          Vice president, World Bank

          Simon Zadek

          CEO of Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability

          Auret Van Heerden

          President Fair Labor Association

          Gerd Leipold

          Green Peace International

          Liu Changle

          President, Phoenix TV

          Martha Vinson

          Vice president, Amcham-china

          Fred Dubee

          Senior Advisor, Global Compact, United Nations

          Josef M.Mueller

          President, Nestle Greater China

          Philipp Goedeking

          President, Rolanberger Asia

          Zhang Suixin

          Executive Vice President and Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen Group China

          Takaji Hishiyama

          Former Vice President, Mitsubishicorp

          Anthony Loo

          Rio Tinto China/Asia Managing Director

          Li Jie

          Vice president, DaimlerChrysler (China) Ltd

          Zhu Min

          Governor Assistant, the People’s Bank of China, PRC

          Xia Bin

          Diretor, Finance Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council

          Cao Yuanzheng

          Chief Economist, BOC International(China)Limited

          Melissa Brown

          President, Association For Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia

          Lilia Clemente

          Chairman, Clemente Capital, Inc

          Djordjija Petkoski

          Senior Advisor, World Bank

          Marcel Jeucken

          Sales Manager Sustainable Investment Research International

          Lu Renfa

          Vice Chairman, China Charity Federation

          Wang Zhenyao

          Director, Ministry of Civil Affairs, PRC

          Wang Yan

          CEO, Sina.com

          Chong Chan-yau

          Executive Director, Oxfam, Hongkong

          Lou Zhongfu

          Chairman Guangxia Company

          Chen Ying

          Vice Director, The Federation of Enterprises

          Zhang Junfeng

          Institute for International Labor and Information Studies, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, PRC

          Liu Tiemin

          Dean, The Institute of Safety production, China Safety Production Administration Bureau

          Su Yilan

          President, CEO, UPM-Kymmene Group

          Li Zhenfu

          President, Novartis China

          William Valentino

          General Manager, Bayer in Greater China

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