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        2022年09月08日 17:17 來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)











          New cyberattack evidence exposes shameful 'empire of hacking'

          (ECNS) -- The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) was evidenced to have mounted malicious cyberattacks targeting China's Northwestern Polytechnical University, according to reports respectively released by China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and cybersecurity company 360 on Monday.

          The "empire of hacking," which so often proudly claims itself as a so-called "cybersecurity guard," has been exposed to one more skeleton in its shameful closet.

          The reports showed that the U.S. had used 41 specialized cyber weapons to launch cyber theft operations over 1,000 times against Northwestern Polytechnical University and stolen core technical data.

          The newly revealed acts are just a small clip of Washington’s massive cyberattacks against China. The report also showed the U.S. has long carried out indiscriminate audio surveillance against Chinese cell-phone users, illegally stolen text messages and conducted wireless positioning.

          As the manipulator behind sneaky global cyberattacks including PRISM, a massive information-collecting program in 2013, the U.S. has the nerve to call itself a “cybersecurity guard”, while victims of its wiretapping are spread far and wide, including among its allies.

          In 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron and then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked the U.S. to offer an explanation after European media reported the States has been spying on leading European politicians and senior officials. However, in the face of overwhelming accusations, the U.S. response was neither sincere nor practical.

          A report released by 360 in March revealed that the NSA had remotely stolen 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion phone records in 30 days.

          To cover up its malicious cyberattacks, the U.S. has sought to shift blame to other countries on the pretext of “threatening U.S. national security” without a shred of substantial evidence.

          The investigative reports revealed on Monday pointed to another example of the U.S. government’s “cyber terrorism” drive, which it utilizes to smear and attack other countries, demonstrating its "double standards" and "hypocrisy."

          The "empire of hacking" has disrupted the global cyberspace order, posing a danger to national and personal information security. Maintaining cybersecurity is the shared responsibility of the international community, and no country should trample on the bottom line. All countries need to stay alert, and jointly resist U.S. cyber hegemony.

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