發布時間:2023年06月12日 16:06 來源:中國新聞網
近日,德中聯盟聯邦總會主席、德國聯邦總理府前國務秘書、聯邦政府前發言人奧托·豪澤(Otto Hauser)接受中新網專訪時稱,歐洲和德國一些政客對華拋出“制度性對手”的概念是錯誤的,這類概念可以說是無稽之談。豪澤表示,期待兩國能通過接下來的中德政府磋商達成共識。他還強調,德國對華政策應當延續以往務實的態度,不應受意識形態左右。雙方需要思考如何進一步相互交流、共同進步。(薛凌橋)
(ECNS) -- The concept of “systemic rival” put forward by some German and European politicians makes no sense, said Otto Hauser, chairman of the Federal Association of the German-Chinese Alliance (BDCA) during an interview with China News Network.
“I hope Germany and China can build up consensus at the coming Sino-German inter-government consultation, and German’s policy toward China should maintain pragmatism rather than being influenced by ideology,” said Hauser, who is also former Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Chancellor and government spokesman of Germany.
The former senior German official believes that both Germany and China need to think about how they can better communicate with each other and prosper together. (Xue Lingqiao)