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      2. 外國學者:“一帶一路”讓世界共享中國式現(xiàn)代化成果丨風華102載·世界觀

        發(fā)布時間:2023年07月07日 16:55     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

          在中國共產(chǎn)黨成立102周年之際,“中巴經(jīng)濟走廊”前項目主任、巴基斯坦可持續(xù)發(fā)展政策研究所“一帶一路”和全球治理區(qū)域研究中心主任哈?!み_烏德·巴特(Hassan Daud Butt)近日在接受中新網(wǎng)專訪時表示,“一帶一路”是一項偉大倡議。中國式現(xiàn)代化是實現(xiàn)“負責任的增長”。中國不斷發(fā)展現(xiàn)代化,巴基斯坦等其他國家也會因此受益。(陳彩霞)

          Hassan Daud Butt, former director CPEC project and director of BRI & Regional Studies Global Governance Institute and SDPI, noted that the Belt and Road Initiative is one of the greatest initiatives given by China. The concept of modernization is also a concept of “responsible growth”. When China develops and becomes modernized, other countries also benefit, especially its neighboring countries like Pakistan.


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