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      2. 澳大利亞漢學家:中國社會愈發自信、開放、穩定丨風華102載·世界觀

        發布時間:2023年07月14日 17:06     來源:中國新聞網

          澳大利亞著名漢學家馬克林(Colin Mackerras)近日接受中新網專訪時表示,從維護國家穩定到推動基礎設施建設、發展經濟,再到提升女性地位,中國共產黨在各領域都取得了十分了不起的成就。


          During the exclusive interview with China News Network, Australian sinologist Colin Mackerras highly commended the achievements of the CPC in multiple areas from maintaining national stability to building infrastructure, developing the economy, and promoting the status of women.

          He also looked at the development of China on the path of reform and opening-up and praised that China's economy has greatly advanced. The country has grown much more confident and more open as it becomes quite stable, he noted.


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