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      2. 【龍騰九州 福暖四季】二次元“炫”新春:大吉大利砂糖橘

        發布時間:2024年02月03日 12:23     來源:中國新聞網

          春節將至,一年一度全網督促廣西“老表”剪砂糖橘大賽又開始了!有網友評論:“放下手機,拿起剪刀!愛你,我的表!” 廣西壯族自治區是重要的砂糖橘產地,那里的砂糖橘皮薄味甜,物美價廉,每逢春節都是當之無愧的“頂流”。有網友戲稱,家里的砂糖橘沒有一袋能過夜!“橘”和“吉”諧音,新年吃橘子,寓意大吉大利,吉祥如意。(趙麗)

          Spring Festival's around the corner, and guess what? It's that time when the whole internet pushes for Guangxi friends to pick small tangerine! Some netizens commented “Put down your phone, pick up your scissors! Love you, fam!”Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is a significant producer of small tangerine known for their thin peel, sweet taste, and low price. While jú, the word for orange, sounds like jí, meaning good luck. Munching on oranges during the Chinese New Year means a year full of good vibes!


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