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      2. 【龍騰九州 福暖四季】二次元話成語:為什么這位中國畫家畫龍不敢畫眼睛?

        發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年02月10日 17:19     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)


          huàlóng diǎn jīng means to bring the painted dragon, or Loong, to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes.


          This idiom is related to the story of Zhang Sengyao, a painter dating back about 1,500 years.

          Once he added eyes to the dragon he drew, it would come alive and fly away.

          It is often used to describe the effectiveness of a writer or speaker who uses a few key sentences to bring a topic alive. It is also used to praise others for their creative genius.


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