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      2. 巴基斯坦學(xué)者:點贊中國高質(zhì)量發(fā)展 期待加強與中國合作丨兩會·世界觀

        發(fā)布時間:2024年03月11日 15:47     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

          2024年中國全國兩會,正持續(xù)吸引全球目光。巴基斯坦前駐華外交官、巴基斯坦可持續(xù)發(fā)展政策研究所“一帶一路”和全球治理區(qū)域研究中心主任哈?!み_烏德(Hassan Daud)在接受中國新聞網(wǎng)專訪時表示,他高度關(guān)注政府工作報告中提到的中國經(jīng)濟預(yù)期增長目標、擴大高水平對外開放、人工智能等內(nèi)容。他表示,中國的發(fā)展目標,不僅對中國,也為其他國家?guī)斫?jīng)濟增長和發(fā)展機遇。(陳彩霞)

          China’s Two Sessions are attracting global attention. Hassan Daud, formal diplomat at the Pakistani Embassy in China and director of BRI & Regional Studies Global Governance Institute and SDPI, told China News Network that he pays close attention to China’s expected economic growth targets, further expansion of high-level opening up, AI innovation etc. mentioned in the Government Work Report.

          He said that China's development objectives will not only spur economic growth and development within China but will also extend opportunities to other nations.(By Chen Caixia)


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