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      2. 羅伯特·庫恩:發展新質生產力釋放中國經濟轉型升級信號丨世界觀

        發布時間:2024年03月18日 13:51     來源:中國新聞網

          2024年全國兩會期間,“新質生產力”成為熱詞。圍繞這一話題,中國新聞網專訪美國庫恩基金會主席羅伯特·庫恩(Robert Kuhn)。


          New quality productive forces have become a hot topic during China's two sessions. China News Network had an exclusive conversation with Robert Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, who gave his understanding of the new quality productive forces.

          According to Kuhn, "such a rise in new quality productive forces signals the transformative shift in China's economic landscape". In addition, Kuhn noted that implementing new quality productive forces "requires continuous breakthroughs in science and technology which introduce disruptive technologies".

          "Private sector is also needed to do its significant part of that," Kuhn emphasized.


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