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      2. 人工智能時代,中國如何激發全民創新創造活力?| 問答中國

        發布時間:2024年09月09日 12:16     來源:中國新聞網

          “人工智能是引領創新發展的主要驅動力,全球各國都需要培養相關人才。”關注人工智能領域發展的意大利特倫托大學信息工程與計算機科學系教授福斯托·金奇利亞(Fausto Giunchiglia)受邀參加中新網《問答中國》欄目時表示。


          對此,北京理工大學管理學院副研究員尹西明給出了詳細解讀。他表示,中國需在制度和人才培養體制方面推行雙重改革,通過深化科技體制改革,激發全民的創新創造的活力,使人人都能投身到人工智能時代的創新創造中。(薛凌橋 陳天浩)

          "AI clearly is one of the main drivers of innovation, and so there is a need for everybody to cultivate the talent," said Fausto Giunchiglia, professor at University of Trento, Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science, while joining in the latest edition of China Answers with China News Network.

          The resolution adopted by the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization at its third plenary session stated that China will improve the mechanisms for nurturing domestic talents. The country will also intensify efforts to build a skilled workforce with strategic expertise, focusing on cultivating science strategists, top-notch scientists and innovation teams. Speaking of the scientific innovation, professor Fausto raised his question on how China will cultivate AI talents.

          In response to Professor Fausto's question, Yin Ximing, associate researcher at the School of Management in Beijing Institute of Technology, stated that China should implement dual transformations both in systematic and talent-training mechanisms. By deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system, the country can stimulate the vitality of innovation and creation, involving everyone in the innovation and development of AI technologies. (Xue Lingqiao and Chen Tianhao)


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