發布時間:2024年11月23日 17:43 來源:中國新聞網
11月19日至22日,2024年世界互聯網大會烏鎮峰會在浙江烏鎮舉行。大會期間,比利時前駐華大使、現定居云南的“洋農民”帕特里克·奈斯(Patrick Nijs)接受“東西問·中外對話”采訪時坦言,他非常熱愛中國的文化,也很享受在中國生活。如今已留華12年的他表示,對當年的決定很滿意,身邊也有越來越多的朋友同事,有意在中國定居。
他進一步表示,在當今復雜的國際局勢下,中國地位至關重要,在為世界貢獻解決方案方面扮演著不可或缺的角色。他希望能連接中外,推動一些重要目標的實現。(記者 林卓瑋 攝像 徐峻杰)
The World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit kicked off in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province on Wednesday. During the event, Patrick Nijs, former Belgian Ambassador to China and now a "farmer" in Yunnan Province, expressed his deep love for Chinese culture and his enjoyment of life in China.
Having lived in the country for 12 years, Nijs said he remains very satisfied with his decision and noted that many of his friends and colleagues are also considering settling in China.
In a world facing significant challenges, Nijs believes China plays an indispensable role in driving global solutions. He hopes to act as a bridge between China and the rest of the world to help achieve important goals. (Lin Zhuowei, Xu Junjie)