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      2. “美式民主”的真相:起底美國選舉政治亂局

        發布時間:2024年12月10日 13:24     來源:中國新聞網


          The U.S. presidential election once again took center stage in 2024. In what is supposed to be an important political event concerning the fate of the country and the well-being of the people, the candidates deviated from the right track. Hurricane relief efforts have become tools in partisan battles, while backroom deals of money and power lay hidden behind the campaign. National governance has ground to a halt amid the tug-of-war between parties. Beneath the vast iceberg of "American democracy," the interests of U.S. people grow increasingly marginalized. A series of "political shows," "Money Rules," and House-of-Cards-style dramas unfolded one after another.


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