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      2. 【繪夢(mèng)絲路|文萃篇】一帶繁花一路歌 藝術(shù)華彩綻放東西

        發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023年12月16日 12:17     來(lái)源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)




          From impassable barriers to accessible pathways, the journey of mutual understanding never stops. Tea and coffee, Peking opera and Western opera, porcelain and glass wares, ancient zither and piano... as the river of time flows on, the symbols of Eastern and Western civilizations converge and fuse, forging prosperity and splendor along the Silk Road.

          Through interwoven rituals and melodies, a harmonious symphony echoes the rich cultural heritage. In 2016, China issued the Education Action Plan for the Belt and Road Initiative. The fever for China and Chinese language are fueling each other in the world.

          As of June 2023, BRI partner countries had established 313 Confucius Institutes and 315 Confucius Classrooms. The "Chinese Bridge" summer camp program has welcomed nearly 50,000 young people for exchange studies in China. Luban Workshop has spread to over 20 countries across Asia, Africa, and Europe, providing extensive training for high-caliber technical and skilled talents in partner countries. Chinese Peking Opera Festival, Silk Road Tour, and the Grand Chinese New Year Concert all aim to evoke people's aesthetic appreciation and emotional resonance through the art.


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