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      2. (新春見聞)十里秦淮,璀璨燈影 感受煙火氣中的濃濃年味

        發布時間:2024年02月17日 20:06     來源:中國新聞網

          登城墻、逛燈會......2月12日,甲辰龍年大年初三,一起共賞南京城南的秦淮燈會,領略煙火氣中的文旅活力,感受璀璨燈影下的濃濃年味。(薛凌橋) Climbing the ancient city wall to see the lanterns. On the third day of the first month in the lunar calendar in the Year of the Dragon, don’t miss an encounter with the annual Qinhuai Lantern Festival held in Nanjing, E China’s Jiangsu Province. Join the video to experience the festive vibes of booming tourism and the Lunar New Year vitality among the dazzling lanterns.


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