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      2. 二次元話亞運:從良渚、宋韻到旗袍

        發布時間:2023年09月28日 11:00     來源:中國新聞網

          第19屆亞運會正在美麗的杭州市舉行。這里有千年文明良渚文化,有宋代文人留下的詩詞雅賦,還有柔滑潤澤的絲綢與旗袍。想知道良渚文明有多輝煌,宋韻有多婉約,旗袍有多柔美嗎?快跟隨二次元主播茉莉一起,探索杭州這座城市背后的深厚底蘊,和19屆亞運會呈現的文化盛宴吧~ (趙麗)

          The 19th Asian Games are being held in east China’s Hangzhou City. Here, you can find the millennia-old Liangzhu civilization, poems written by ancient literati, and Qipao dresses made of the lustrous silk.

          Curious about how brilliant Liangzhu civilization was, how graceful the lifestyle of Song dynasty was, and how elegant Qipao dresses can be? Follow ECNS Anchor Molly to explore the rich heritage behind the city of Hangzhou and the cultural feast presented by the 19th Asian Games!


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