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      2. 阿爾及利亞總統(tǒng)顧問:阿爾及利亞和中國的合作堪稱“一帶一路”倡議典范丨全球政要看絲路

        發(fā)布時間:2023年10月13日 13:12     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

          阿爾及利亞中國友好協(xié)會主席、阿爾及利亞總統(tǒng)顧問伊斯梅爾·德貝什(Smail Debeche)接受中新網(wǎng)專訪時說道,“一帶一路”的基本理念就是互惠互利,它通過長期投資幫助共建國家解決失業(yè)問題,并帶來更快速、更優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)業(yè)及科技發(fā)展。


          Global Insights on BRI丨President Advisor of Algeria: Algeria-China cooperation becomes a model for BRI

          During an interview with China News Network, Smail Debeche, President of the Algeria-China Friendship Association and President Advisor of Algeria, stated that the basis of the BRI is mutual benefits, adding that the cooperation between Algeria and China becomes a model for international cooperation and for the BRI.

          Debeche also sees that the future between the two countries is flourishing economically and commercially.


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