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      2. 泰國執政黨高層:“一帶一路”促進各國聯通 可持續發展前景廣闊丨 全球政要看絲路

        發布時間:2023年11月06日 11:18     來源:中國新聞網

        2023年是共建“一帶一路”倡議提出十周年,泰國為泰黨外委會主席納麗妮(Nalinee Taveesin)接受了中國新聞網的獨家專訪。她表示,“一帶一路”倡議為共建國家共同發展交通基礎設施帶來了新的機遇,各共建國家也都在朝著可持續發展的方向前進。(吳辛茹)

        “I think the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has brought new opportunities for participating countries to jointly develop their transportation infrastructure. And we're all moving toward sustainability,” said Nalinee Taveesin, chairperson of Foreign Affairs of Pheu Thai Party in an exclusive interview with China News Network on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the BRI.


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