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      2. 德國專家:朔爾茨二度訪華,展現(xiàn)與中國面對面接觸的決心丨世界觀

        發(fā)布時間:2024年04月15日 09:51     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

          德國總理朔爾茨14日乘專機抵達重慶,開啟為期三天的正式訪華之旅。這是朔爾茨自2021年12月就任德國總理以來第二次訪問中國,也是今年首位訪華的西方大國領(lǐng)導人。此次訪華,對德中兩國有何重要意義?兩國關(guān)系將取得哪些進展?圍繞相關(guān)話題,中新網(wǎng)專訪德國萊比錫大學孔子學院外方執(zhí)行院長田亞明(Benjamin Creutzfeldt)。



          German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit China in April, accompanied by three ministers and a high-ranked delegation. Benjamin Creutzfeldt, managing director of the Confucius Institute in Leipzig, shared his thoughts on Scholz’s visit to China.

          According to Creutzfeldt, Chancellor Scholz’s second visit to China shows his determination to engage with China face to face. Creutzfeld also hopes that the visit can break up prejudices and show that person-to-person relations are the key to getting along and to communicating about issues that are complicated.

          Besides, Creutzfeldt firmly believes that Germany and many other European countries could benefit from the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is an important step forward towards sustainable global logistics, although the BRI has been politicized and painted in a negative tint.


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