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      2. 胡潤分析中國一季度GDP增速:新興產業崛起推動中國經濟增長丨世界觀

        發布時間:2024年04月19日 13:05     來源:中國新聞網

          2024年一季度,中國國內生產總值(GDP)同比增長5.3%。這一增速,超出了此前部分市場機構的預測。胡潤百富董事長兼首席調研官胡潤(Rupert Hoogewerf)就此接受中新網采訪時分析稱,中國的新能源、半導體、人工智能等新興產業蓬勃發展,改變了財富創造的結構,從而推動了中國經濟的高速發展。(陳天浩)

          In the first quarter of 2024, China's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 5.3 percent year on year, showing a strong start with robust growth and improved quality and efficiency.

          Rupert Hoogewerf, Hurun Report Chairman and Chief Researcher, commented that emerging industries including new energy, semi-conductor, and artificial intelligence, are in full swing, reshaping the structure of wealth creation and accelerating China’s economic development.


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