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      2. 非洲記者盛贊中國援非醫(yī)療隊 為針灸療法打call丨世界觀

        發(fā)布時間:2024年09月04日 19:58     來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)

          2024年中非合作論壇峰會9月4日至6日在北京舉行。坦桑尼亞桑給巴爾廣播電視臺ZBC電視制作代表阿布巴卡爾·哈里斯(Abubakar Harith)在接受中新網(wǎng)采訪時表示,中國是與非洲國家在醫(yī)療領(lǐng)域展開合作較多、較有成效的國家。他以坦桑尼亞為例,稱坦桑尼亞桑給巴爾多個醫(yī)療部門中都有中國援助醫(yī)療隊的人員,其間他們與當(dāng)?shù)蒯t(yī)療人員一起共事并深入交流。

          此外,哈里斯表示,很多中醫(yī)療法,尤其是針灸,在桑給巴爾乃至整個坦桑尼亞都非常流行。他表示,針灸是十分有效的治療方式,可以讓人們在無痛情況下享受治療過程。(孟湘君 陳天浩)

          The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is just around the corner. During an interview with China News Network, Abubakar Harith from Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation notes that China's become the popular and famous country to cooperate with African countries in medical area.

          In addition, Harith speaks highly of traditional Chinese medicine, especially acupuncture which has gained popularity not only in Zanzibar but across Tanzania. He thinks it’s a useful way which one can experience the treatment without having pain. (Meng Xiangjun, Chen Tianhao)


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