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      2.  中國新聞社
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        the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


        General Secretary of the Communist Party of China: Jiang Zemin

        Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

            Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau

            Members of the Political Bureau:

                丁關根      田紀云      朱镕基      江澤民
            Ding Guangen   Tian Jiyun    Zhu Rongji    Jiang Zemin

            李 鵬      李長春      李嵐清      李鐵映
            Li Peng      Li Changchun      Li Lanqing        Li Tieying

                李瑞環(huán)      吳邦國      吳官正      遲浩田
            Li Ruihuan    Wu Bangguo    Wu Guanzheng   Chi Haotian

            張萬年      羅 干      胡錦濤      姜春云
            Zhang Wannian   Luo Gan           Hu Jintao         Jiang Chunyun

                賈慶林            錢其琛            黃 菊            尉健行
                Jia Qinglin       Qian Qichen       Huang Ju          Wei Jianxing

                溫家寶            謝 非(已故)
                Wen Jiabao        Xie Fei (late)

            Alternate Members of the Political Bureau:

                曾慶紅           吳  儀(女) 
                Zeng Qinghong     Wu Yi (f.)

            Members of the Secretariat of the Central Committee:

                胡錦濤            尉健行       丁關根      張萬年
                Hu Jintao          Wei Jianxing      Ding Guangen      Zhang Wannian

                羅  干            溫家寶            曾慶紅 
                Luo Gan            Wen Jiabao        Zeng Qinghong

        Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee

            Chairman:Jiang Zemin


               胡錦濤     張萬年        遲浩田
             Hu Jintao    Zhang Wannian    Chi Haotian


               傅全有      于永波(滿族)    王  克      王瑞林
            Fu Quanyou      Yu Yongbo (Manzu)Wang Ke           Wang Ruilin

                曹剛川          郭伯雄            徐才厚
                Cao Gangchuan   Guo Boxiong        Xu Caihou

        CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection


          Deputy Secretaries:

               韓杼濱       曹慶澤       何  勇      周子玉     夏贊忠
                Han Zhubin      Cao Qingze      He Yong     Zhou Ziyu     Xia Zanzhong

            劉麗英(女)      劉錫榮        傅  杰          張惠新
                Liu Liying (f.)   Liu Xirong        Fu Jie          Zhang Huixin

        Institutions Directly Under the CPC Central Committee

            Head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee: Zeng Qinghong

            Head of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee:Ding Guangen

            Head of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee:Wang Zhaoguo

            Head of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee:Dai Bingguo

            中共中央辦公廳主任:王  剛
            Director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee:Wang Gang

            中共中央黨校校長:胡錦濤 (兼)
            President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee:Hu Jintao (concurrently)

            《人民日報》 社社長:許中田
            Director of the People's DailyXu Zhongtian

            中共中央黨史研究室主任:孫  英
            Director of the Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee:Sun Ying

            Director of the Party Literature Research Center of the CPC Central Committee:
                                                                                     Pang Xianzhi

            中共中央編譯局 局長:韋建樺
           Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committee:
                                                                                      Wei Jianhua

            Secretary of the Work Committee of the Central Government Departments Under the CPC
            Central Committee:Wang Zhongyu

            中共中央中直機關工作委員會書記:王  剛
            Secretary of the Work Committee of the Departments Under the CPC Central Committee:
                                                                                          Wang Gang

            中央政法委員會書記:羅  干
            Secretary of the Committee of Political Science and Law under the CPC Central 
            Committee: Luo Gan

            中央社會治安綜合治理委員會主任:羅  干
            Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security:
                                                                                           Luo Gan

            Director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee:Teng Wensheng

            Director of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee:Chen Yunlin

            Head of the International Communication Office of the CPC Central Committee
                                                                                   Zhao Qizheng

            Minister in charge of the Central Foreign Affairs Office:Liu Huaqiu

            中央保密委員會主任:羅  干
            Director of the Central Secrets Committee:Luo Gan

            Director of the Central Guard Bureau: You Xigui


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